Chipperfield Care
Chipperfield Care is a group of volunteers who have banded together to help those who are unable to find their own transport to essential appointments such as hospitals, doctors, dentists, medical clinics etc.
Chipperfield Care is a charity that was formed more than 30 years ago.
We are here to help residents of the village get to local medical and other appointments when they are not able to get there under their own steam, neither do they have family or friends who can help. Our remit has since extended to include visits to hairdressers, vets (only by prior agreement, due to possible drivers’ allergies etc.), luncheon clubs and occasional trips to a supermarket.

- Mark Jarrad (Chairman)
- Patricia Harrison (Organiser)
- Juliane Coupland (Treasurer)
- Sue Pinney (Secretary)
Do you or your family need the help that Chipperfield Care can provide?
If so, please call our dedicated help line on 01923-264700 between 9.30am and 12.30pm on any weekday excepting Bank Holidays. A recorded message will give you the phone number of the Duty Officer for that day.
Might you consider becoming a Volunteer for Chipperfield Care?
If you are willing to give us about half a weekday a month, we would love to welcome you as a new volunteer Duty Officer or Driver. To discuss what is involved with our Organiser, please either e-mail us or call 01923-264700 between 9.30am and 12.30pm on any weekday excepting Bank Holidays and ask to be put in touch with Patricia Harrison.